The word courage might conjure up mental images of some kind of adversarial figure, physical pursuits, perhaps its gendered, maybe not.
Courage is found in much smaller moments than this. Courage is found in the everyday, the simple, the quiet. The stereotype is correct on one point however:
Courage is powerful.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines courage as: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. Note that this definition does not mention physicality at all. Courage is not dependant on physical prowess, physical fitness or aptitude. Rather, courage is dependant on a sense of self, connection to values, confidence, willingness to stand firm and prior experience.
Through this understanding of courage, there are many ways this trait can be shown through small moments and choices:
Love yourself:
It takes courage to love yourself. Loving yourself means accepting your imperfections, showing yourself respect and understanding.
Have a voice and honour your boundaries:
Acknowledge your own unique perspective. Use this to speak up, you can make a difference. Stand up to injustice. Become aware of your boundaries and standards, learn when to say no and how to communicate this with others.
Take accountability and responsibility:
Own the control and influence you have over your life. Take responsibility for the choices you have made and reflect on these. This act of courage helps create options for your future.
Face your fears:
Recognise and take notice of your fears. Practice challenging them and engaging rational thought to help to prevent your fears from halting progress toward your goals.
Practice acceptance:
Accept uncomfortable feelings, thoughts and situations. Don't let these negative experiences control you, instead make decisions and commit to actions, big and small, in line with what is important to you.
This is certainly not an exhaustive list. Acts of courage come in many different forms making this strength of courage accessible to all.
Living courageously can support our happiness and satisfaction in our lives. Courage helps us face our fears, show up with authenticity in relationships, and embrace opportunities for growth.
Journalling prompt:
What are some ways I have shown courage in the last week?
What are some situations I feel I could have shown more courage, and how?
